Sunday, April 01, 2012

April fools

Laine woke up around 2am complaining about itchy legs (mild eczema) but more than that she was worried about what April Fools tricks her brothers had in store for the morning.

The girls screamed at the fake pee on the bathroom floor and green toilet water. They didn't need to worry though, food coloring was the worst ammo the boys used.

The pink milk was the only milk in the house so April fools on me, I went to make the Alfredo sauce for our baked pasta and had to use the pink stuff. Looked gross, tasted good.

via Paige's iPhone


Kelsey K. Hartley said...

Funny boys! I bet they especially liked their pink dinner. "Pee" on the floor is a sure-fire way to get any girl to scream. Only brothers know just how to push the right button.

My brother once set my alarm for the middle of the night. I didn't realize it was a prank until after I'd gotten ready for school.

Shannon said...

We made it through the entire day without a single April fool! I think we were all just too lazy to try to come up with something. :)