Friday, April 03, 2009

Take that, Goliath

I'd take credit for this idea, but I can't. I had a memory of a primary lesson from when I was little. It involved a giant paper Goliath, a sling shot and marshmallows. A half hour before family night I drew up a Goliath and we threw marshmallows at him after listening to the story. Then we needed an activity for sharing time for the primary children at church so I volunteered to re-create Goliath. I took more time drawing him and thought it would be better remembered if we had a sling shot of some sort. I asked Eric to make one for me.
It wasn't a sling shot but it shot marshmallows. All the holes in Goliath are from marshmallows being shot at him from a fairly close range with the contraption above. It is made from duct tape (not real duct tape as my husband was careful to point out), surgical tubing and pvc pipes. Chad had a great influence on the design and the final product probably could have slain the real Goliath. Eric and Chad are excited to use it to launch water balloons this summer. It also wasn't friendly enough for kids to use so two teachers held the sides and the kids got to launch their marshmallows.

I'm sure that, like me, most of them will only remember shooting Goliath. But hopefully one day they'll go back to the story and read it again and find more personal meaning in the tale. I scared a few of the small children when I told them what Goliath wanted to do to David and then what David actually did to Goliath in the end. Isn't there some great gore in the scriptures? The message I kept trying to repeat? God is with you, you do not need to fear the Goliath's in your life. But marshmallow shooting is a great lesson too.


shawnaberger said...

Hey, I remember that primary activity! Fun times and a great idea!

Amanda said...

I remember it too. It was at the Pomona building, right? Wow, some wonderful teacher really got it right! I think that's one of the most memorable sharing times ever. So glad you recreated it for the new generation. If only I had drawing skills.

Heidi Davies said...

I remember it, too. It must've been a good one.

Lynne said...

Gosh Paige--what a great idea! I'm sure your kids will remember not only Goliath, but the fact that their parents really loved them too. You are good!

Lynne said...

By the way--after looking at this picture this looks like a great cabin toy--but where is your couch?

Paige said...

It was in the Pomona building -- what a great primary.

The couch is along the other room window and we will have to remember to bring that contraption and leave it at the cabin.

Shannon said...

Paige, this is awesome! My boys would still totally love this. I'm going to show Kurt, too - he teaches the 8 through 11 year old boys in our ward, and I am sure they would think he was just the coolest ever if he brought this! Thanks for sharing the idea.

Lark said...

I totally remember this activity too, but don't know who did it. We should ask Matt - he remembers everything.
My kids love looking at this picture and laugh at the marshmellow part!

Jen Bailey said...

Hi Sorella. I just wanted you to know that I used your idea for my Sunbeams yesterday. They thought it was pretty neat. Grazie for posting this idea.