Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Dress (and hydrangea pillows)

Grandma Blaser sent Sommer this dress for her birthday. I thought she needed to see how cute she looks in it.
I meant to take a picture of our gorgeous hydrangea bush earlier in the season but then the boys got to it and put it in some misery. I know it looks pretty good but a couple of weeks ago it was amazing! A firework of flowers. Then one day the boys in their play were making beds out of branches and leaves and such in the yard. They discovered that hydrangea blooms make the softest pillows so they yanked quite a few off the bush and rather damaged the stalks in the process. Now we have a deflating firework of a hydrangea bush. So I was torn between delighting in their imaginary play and feeling sorry for my plant. I did ask them not to use the flowers for pillows anymore since they are my most favorite ever and seeing the flowers wilting in the playhouse made me a bit sad. I did rescue the ones they had picked and tried to make them look nice inside but they only picked the flower bunches since it was too hard to break off the stems, flowermuffin tops. The boys understood but have informed me that nothing compares to hydrangea pillows.


Torrie said...

that is so funny and cute. your post just gave me a great big smile! i can totally see the boys being sad they couldn't use your favorite hydrangea anymore for pillows, but willing to sacrifice so mom was happy:)

Lynne said...

I thought she'd look adorable in that--and I was right! What a sweetheart!

Sally said...

Beautiful - both Somner and the bush! What a pretty pair :).

kelly said...

i LOVE hydrangea bushes!
i wish i had one, but i need to make a landscaping plan.
haven't i been telling you that for the last 7 years?